Tag descriptions Doug Biber 15 June, 1993 There are five tag fields, separated by a plus sign (+). For most words, only one or two of the fields are used. The primary grammatical category of a word is usually marked in the first tag field; many of these first-field tags are identical to tags used in the LOB tag set. In the case of adjectives (TAG = JJ), nouns (TAG = NN), and verbs (TAG = VB), the tag ?? can appear in Tag Field 4 to mark words that were not in the dictionary; in these cases, the grammatical category is assigned based on morphology and the surrounding context. The tags xvbn and xvbnx in Field 4 mark a word as being a past participle form, regardless of function. Thus, some adjectives, nouns, and base verb forms are marked as xvbn. All past tense verbs, perfect aspect verbs, and passive verbs have this tag. The tag xvbnx is used to mark cases where the grammatical function (e.g., perfect or passive) has been identified with a very high degree of accuracy from the context; the tag xvbn is used for cases where the assigned grammatical function is less certain. The tags xvbg and xvbgx in Field 4 mark a word as being a present participle form, regardless of function. Thus, some adjectives and nouns are marked as xvbg. All present progressive verbs have this tag. The tag xvbgx is used to mark cases where the grammatical function has been identified with a very high degree of accuracy; the tag xvbg is used for cases where the assigned grammatical function is less certain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field 1 + Field 2 + Field 3 + Field 4 + Field 5 Tag Sequence :+clp+++ colon + clause punctuation ;+clp+++ semi-colon + clause punctuation ?+clp+++ question mark + clause punctuation !+clp+++ exclamation mark + clause punctuation ,++++ comma -++++ dash "++++ double quote mark '++++ single quote mark (++++ left parenthesis )++++ right parenthesis $++++ dollar sign %++++ percent sign &fo++++ formula symbols &fw++++ foreign word abl++++ pre-qualifier (rather, such) abn++++ pre-quantifier (all, half) abx++++ pre-quantifier/double conjunction (both) ap++++ post-determiner (many, more, most, only, other, own, same, ...) aps++++ (others) at++++ singular indefinite article (a, an) ati++++ singular definite article (the, no) cc++++ coordinating conjunction (and, but, or) cc+cls+++ coordinating conjunction + clausal connector cc+phrs+++ coordinating conjunction + phrasal connector cc"++++ multi-word coordinating conjunction (as well as) cc++neg++ coordinating conjunction + + negation (nor) cd++++ cardinal number (2, 3, 4, two, three, four, hundred, ...) cd+date+++ cardinal number + date (year only) cd1++++ cardinal number: 1, one cd1s++++ cardinal number: ones cds++++ cardinal plural (tens, hundreds, thousands) od++++ ordinal number (1st, 2nd, first, second, ...) cs+cnd+++ subordinating conjunction + conditional (if, unless) cs+con+++ subordinating conjunction + concessive (although, though) cs+cos+++ subordinating conjunction + causative (because) cs+who+++ subordinating conjunction + WH word (whether) cs+sub+++ subordinating conjunction + other (as, except, until, ...) cs"++++ multi-word subordinating conjunction (in that, so that, ...) dt+dem+++ determiner + demonstrative (this,that,these,those modifying N) dt+pdem+++ determiner + demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those) dti++++ singular or plural determiner (any, enough, some) dt++++ other singular determiner (another, each) dtx++++ determiner/double conjunction (either) ex+pex+++ existential there in++++ preposition in+ppvb+++ preposition + prepositional verb (account for, join in, ...) in+pl+++ preposition + place marker (above, behind, beside, ...) in"++++ multi-word perposition (as to, away from, instead of, ...) in+strn+++ preposition + stranded jj+atrb+++ adjective + attributive function jj+atrb++xvbg+ adjective + attributive function + + -ing form jj+atrb++xvbn+ adjective + attributive function + + past participle form jj+pred+++ adjective + predicative function jj++++ adjective + indeterminate function jjb+atrb+++ attributive-only adjective + attributive (chief, entire) jjr+atrb+++ comparative adjective + attributive function jjr+pred+++ comparative adjective + predicative function jjt+atrb+++ superlative adjective + attributive function ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All modal forms can be marked as 0 in Field 5 (e.g., md+prd+++0) to show that they are contracted forms (e.g., 'll, 've) md+nec+++ modal + necessity (ought, should, must) md+pos+++ modal + possibility (can, may, might, could) md+prd+++ modal + prediction (will, would, shall) md"++pmd"++ modal + + multi-word periphrastic modal (e.g., be going to) nn++++ singular common noun nn+nom+++ singular noun + nominalization nvbg+++xvbg+ singular noun + + + -ing form nn+++xvbn+ singular noun + + + past participle form nns++++ plural common noun nns+nom+++ plural noun + nominalization nnu++++ unit of measurement (lb, kg, ...) np++++ singular proper noun nps++++ plural proper noun npl++++ locative noun npt++++ singular titular noun npts++++ plural titular noun nr++++ singular adverbial noun (east, west, today, home, ...) nrs++++ plural adverbial noun ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NB: In the following pronoun tags, be careful of the difference between the number 1, used to mark first person, and the letter l (i.e. lower case L), used to mark reflexives. pp1a+pp1+++ first person subject pronoun + first person pronoun pp1a+pp1+++0 first person subject pronoun + 1st person pro. + contracted pp1o+pp1+++ first person object pronoun + first person pronoun pp$+pp1+++ possessive determiner + first person pronoun (my, our) ppl+pp1+++ singular reflexive pronoun + first person pronoun (myself) ppls+pp1+++ plural reflexive pronoun + first person pronoun (ourselves) pp2+pp2+++ second person pronoun + second person pronoun pp$+pp2+++ possessive determiner + second person pronoun (your) ppl+pp2+++ singular reflexive pronoun + second person pronoun (yourself) pp3a+pp3+++ third person subject pronoun + third person personal pronoun pp3o+pp3+++ third person object pronoun + third person personal pronoun pp3+pp3+++0 third person pronoun + 3rd person personal pro. + contracted pp$+pp3+++ possessive + 3rd pers. personal pro. (his, her, their) ppl+pp3+++ sg. reflexive pronoun + 3rd pers. personal pro. (her/himself) ppls+pp3+++ pl. reflexive pronoun + 3rd pers. personal pro. (themselves) pp3+it+++ third person pronoun + third person impersonal pronoun (it) pp$+it+++ possessive determiner + third person impersonal pronoun (its) pp$$++++ possessive pronoun (mine, yours, ...) pn"++++ multi-word nominal pronoun (no one, ...) pn++++ nominal pronoun (someone, everything, ...) ql++++ qualifier + (as, less, more, too) ql+amp+++ qualifier + amplifier (very) ql+emph+++ qualifier + emphatic (most) qlp++++ post-qualifier (enough, indeed) All adverb forms can be marked as splt in Field 3 (e.g., rb+amp+splt++) to indicate that the adverb occurs within the auxiliary (e.g., they've probably been looking...). rb++++ general adverb rb"++++ multi-word adverb (at last, in general) rb+cnj+++ adverb + conjunct (however, therefore, thus, ...) rb++neg++ neither rb+amp+++ adverb + amplifier (absolutely, completely, entirely, ...) rb+down+++ adverb + downtoner (nearly, only, merely, ...) rb+emph+++ adverb + emphatic (just, really, so, ...) rb+hdg+++ adverb + hedge (almost, maybe, ...) rb"+hdg"+++ multi-word adverb + hedge (kind of, sort of) rb+phrv+++ adverb + phrasal verb (get in, wrap up, ...) rb+pl+++ adverb + place marker (abroad, ahead, far, upstream, ...) rb+tm+++ adverb + time marker (afterwards, again, immediately, ...) rb+dspt+++ adverb + discourse particle (anyway, well, ...) rbr++++ comparative adverb (better, quicker) rbr+tm+++ comparative adverb + time marker (earlier, later, sooner, ...) rn+pl+++ nominal adverb + place marker (here, there) rn+tm+++ nominal adverb + time marker (now, then) rn+dspt+++ nominal adverb + discourse particle (now) rp++++ adverbial particle (back, in, round, up, ...) rp+pl+++ adverbial particle + place marker (away, behind, out, ...) --------------------------------------------------------------------- tht+jcmp+++ that as dependent clause head + adjective complement tht+ncmp+++ that as dependent clause head + noun complement tht+vcmp+++ that as dependent clause head + verb complement tht+rel+++ that as dependent clause head + relative clause tht+rel+obj++ that as dep. clause head + relative clause + object position tht+rel+subj++ that as dep. clause head + relative clause + subject position -------------------------------------------------------------------------- to++++ infinitive marker to"++++ multi-word infinitive marker (in order to) uh++++ interjection/filler (hey, oh, ok, yes, erm ...) vb++++ base form of verb, excluding verbs in infinitive clauses (uninflected present tense, imperative) vb+++xvbn+ base form of verb + + + past participle form (e.g., cut, hit, hurt, ...) vb+be+aux++ base form of verb + be + auxiliary verb vb+be+vrb++ base form of verb + be + main verb vb+bem+aux++ verb + am + auxiliary verb vb+bem+aux++0 verb + am + auxiliary verb + + contracted ('m) vb+bem+vrb++ verb + am + main verb vb+bem+vrb++0 verb + am + main verb + + contracted ('m) vb+ber+aux++ verb + are + auxiliary verb vb+ber+aux++0 verb + are + auxiliary verb + + contracted ('re) vb+ber+vrb++ verb + are + main verb vb+ber+vrb++0 verb + are + main verb + + contracted ('re) vb+do+aux++ verb + do + auxiliary verb vb+do+vrb++ verb + do + main verb vb+hv+aux++ verb + have + auxiliary verb vb+hv+aux++0 verb + have + auxiliary verb + + contracted ('ve) vb+hv+vrb++ verb + have + main verb vb+hv+vrb++0 verb + have + main verb + + contracted ('ve) vb+seem+++ base form of verb + seem / appear vb+vprv+++ base form of verb + private verb (believe, feel, think, ...) vb+vprv+tht0++ base form of verb + private verb + that deletion ** vb+vpub+++ base form of verb + public verb (assert, complain, say, ...) vb+vpub+tht0++ base form of verb + public verb + that deletion ** vb+vsua+++ base form of verb + suasive verb (ask, command, insist, ...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All past tense verb forms (excluding were, was, did, had) are marked as either xvbn or xvbnx; only the sequences with xvbn are listed below. vbd+++xvbn+ past tense verb + + + past participle form vbd+bed+aux++ past tense verb + were + auxiliary verb vbd+bed+vrb++ past tense verb + were + main verb vbd+bedz+aux++ past tense verb + was + auxiliary verb vbd+bedz+vrb++ past tense verb + was + main verb vbd+dod+aux++ past tense verb + did + auxiliary verb vbd+dod+vrb++ past tense verb + did + main verb vbd+hvd+aux++ past tense verb + had + auxiliary verb vbd+hvd+vrb++ past tense verb + had + main verb vbd+seem++xvbn+ past tense verb + seem/appear vbd+vprv++xvbn+ past tense + private verb (believe, feel, think, ...) vbd+vprv+tht0+xvbn+ past tense + private verb + that deletion ** vbd+vpub++xvbn+ past tense + public verb (assert, complain, say, ...) vbd+vpub+tht0+xvbn+ past tense + public verb + that deletion ** vbd+vsua++xvbn+ past tense + suasive verb (ask, command, insist, ...) ** the tag tht0 marks the occurrence of a following that complement clause when the complmentizer that has been deleted. All present progressive verb forms are marked as either xvbg or xvbgx; only the sequences with xvbg are listed below. vbg+++xvbg+ present progressive verb + + + -ing form vbg+beg++xvbg+ present progressive verb + being vbg+beg+aux+xvbg+ present progressive verb + being + auxiliary verb vbg+hvg++xvbg+ present progressive verb + having vbg+vprv++xvbg+ pres. prog. + private verb (believe, feel, think, ...) vbg+vprv+tht0+xvbg+ present progressive + private verb + that deletion ** vbg+vpub++xvbg+ pres. prog. + public verb (assert, complain, say, ...) vbg+vpub+tht0+xvbg+ present progressive + public verb + that deletion ** vbg+vsua++xvbg+ pres. prog. + suasive verb (ask, command, insist, ...) vwbg+++xvbg+ present progressive postnominal modifier vwbg+beg++xvbg+ present progressive postnominal modifier + being vwbg+hvg++xvbg+ present progressive postnominal modifier + having vwbg+vprv++xvbg+ present prog. postnom. modifier + private verb vwbg+vpub++xvbg+ present prog. postnom. modifier + public verb -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vbi++++ base form of verb in infinitive clause vbi+vprv+++ infinitive verb + private verb (believe, feel, think, ...) vbi+vprv+tht0++ infinitive verb + private verb + that deletion ** vbi+vpub+++ infinitive verb + public verb (assert, complain, say, ...) vbi+vpub+tht0++ infinitive verb + public verb + that deletion ** vbi+vsua+++ infinitive verb + suasive verb (ask, command, insist, ...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vbz++++ 3rd person singular verb vbz+bez+aux++ 3rd person sg. verb + is + auxiliary verb vbz+bez+aux++0 3rd person sg. + is + auxiliary verb + + contracted ('s) vbz+bez+vrb++ 3rd person sg. verb + is + main verb vbz+bez+vrb++0 3rd person sg. + is + main verb + + contracted ('s) vbz+doz+aux++ 3rd person sg. verb + does + auxiliary verb vbz+doz+vrb++ 3rd person sg. verb + does + main verb vbz+hvz+aux++ 3rd person sg. verb + has + auxiliary verb vbz+hvz+vrb++ 3rd person sg. verb + has + main verb vbz+seem+++ 3rd person sg. verb + seem/appear vbz+vprv+++ 3rd person sg. + private verb (believe, feel, think, ...) vbz+vprv+tht0++ 3rd person sg. + private verb + that deletion ** vbz+vpub+++ 3rd person sg. + public verb (assert, complain, say, ...) vbz+vpub+tht0++ 3rd person sg. + public verb + that deletion ** vbz+vsua+++ 3rd person sg. + suasive verb (ask, command, insist, ...) ** the tag tht0 marks the occurrence of a following that complement clause when the complmentizer that has been deleted. All perfect aspect verb forms and passive verb forms are marked as either xvbn or xvbnx; only the sequences with xvbn are listed below. vprf+++xvbn+ perfect aspect verb + + + past participle form vprf++tht0+xvbn+ perfect aspect verb + + that deletion ** vprf+ben+aux+xvbn+ perfect aspect verb + been + auxiliary verb vprf+ben+vrb+xvbn+ perfect aspect verb + been + main verb vpsv++agls+xvbn+ main clause passive verb + + agentless passive vpsv++by+xvbn+ main clause passive verb + + by passive vwbn+++xvbn+ passive postnominal modifier + + + past participle form vwbn+vprv++xvbn+ passive postnominal modifier + private verb vwbn+vpub++xvbn+ passive postnominal modifier + public verb vwbn+vsua++xvbn+ passive postnominal modifier + suasive verb --------------------------------------------------------------------- wdt+who+++ WH determiner + WH word (what, whatever, whichever, ...) wdt+who+whcl++ WH determiner + WH word + WH clause wdt+who+whq++ WH determiner + WH word + WH question whp+rel+obj++ WH pronoun + relative clause + object position whp+rel+pied++ WH pronoun + relative clause + object position with prepositional fronting ('pied piping') whp+rel+subj++ WH pronoun + relative clause + subject position whp+who+++ WH pronoun + WH word (not a relative clause) whp+who+whq++ WH pronoun + WH word + WH question wrb+who+++ WH adverb (how, when, where, ...) + WH word wrb+who+whcl++ WH adverb + WH word + WH clause wrb+who+whq++ WH adverb + WH word + WH question xnot++not++ not + + negation xnot++not++0 not + + negation + + contracted form (n't) xvbn+++xvbn+ past participle form -- indeterminate grammatical function xvbg+++xvbg+ present participle form -- indeterminate grammatical function zz++++ letter of the alphabet